50 ways to nurture your h a p p i n e s s .
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
a bit of inspiration today via bellaMUMMA

The happiest people appreciate what they have,
keep an open mind to new ideas and ventures,
use their leisure time as a means of self-development,
and love good music, good books, good pictures, good company and good
conversation. In other words, they do small things every day to nurture their
happiness. It’s a lot easier than it sounds. Anything that helps you feel more
positive and joyful is self-nurturing. The result? A happier, healthier
Here are 50 simple ideas to get you
started with nurturing your happiness.
1. Act like today is already an awesome
day. – Do so, and it will be. Research shows that although we
think that we act because of the way we feel, in fact we often feel because of
the way we act. A great attitude always leads to great experiences.
2. Make yourself smile first thing in
the morning. – It’s difficult to feel down when your face is happy.
Fill your bathroom or bedroom mirror with post-it notes of your favorite
quotes, goals, mantras, photos, etc., and then reflect on them for a minute or
two when you first wake up.
3. Spend time with people who make you smile. –
Who nourishes and supports you? Surround yourself with these people. Spend time
with those who reflect the person you want to be – people who do good things
and make your life a little brighter simply by being in it.
4. Try something totally new. –
Go somewhere you’ve never been. Do something you’ve never done. It will shake
up your vision of what the world is like and give you a fresh new perspective
on things. Variety truly is the spice of life. You can see or do something a
million times, but you can only see or do it for the first time once. As a
result, first time experiences usually leave a reflective mark in our minds for
the rest of our lives. So spice it up! The more experiences you have, the
richer your life will be.
5. Work on something that’s meaningful to you. –
Engage yourself in a meaningful personal project, or pull the trigger on doing
something you’ve wanted to do for a long time, but haven’t yet had the resolve
to do. Life is short. Today is the day to take action.
6. Keep track of the things you’re grateful
for. – You can’t help but feel good when you literally count
your blessings. Start a gratitude journal and express your thanks on a daily
7. Dream big. – You
can do anything you set your mind to. Visualize your dreams coming true and
work at making them a reality.
8. Listen to your inner voice. –
Your instincts are good. It’s important to listen to your own head and heart.
Don’t always listen to others. Do what you know in your heart is right, for
9. Trust yourself. –
You are kind. You are smart. You are important. Your choices are just as valid
as anyone else’s.
10. Truly appreciate those around you. – Tell
your friends you adore them, say thank you and mean it, flash your biggest and
most sincere smile at strangers on the street, hug people for longer than
normal. The more love you give out, the more it builds inside of you and the
more you’ll get back.
11. Give out compliments. – Give
sincere praise every chance you get. Compliment and cheer for those who deserve
it. You’ll be hitting two birds with one stone, because when the person you
compliment smiles, you’ll smile too.
12. Call an old friend and reminisce. –
There are few things more satisfying than recounting some of the greatest
moments of your life with your closest friends who lived these moments
alongside you.
13. Be vibrant and colourful. –
Express yourself. Inject energetic colors into the atmosphere at work and at
home. If not in dress, then in words and deeds. The world has enough grey! Be
the antidote!
14. Be silly. –
Sometimes we take ourselves entirely too seriously. Let go. Be spontaneous and
outrageous. Sometimes you just need a good laugh to lift your spirits.
15. Slow down. – When you’re
living your life at top speed, you’re missing most of it. Stop and take a
breath. Look for ways to adopt a more humane pace. Pay close attention to what
you’re doing. Don’t waste time juggling forgettable tasks. Instead, concentrate
on a few things that really matter.
Engage fully in each day.
Engage fully in each day.
16. Be present. – Life is happening
right now. Instead of dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, just
practice being and living in the ‘now.’ You can’t learn something new or
uncover a new opportunity that’s happening now if your mind is stuck in another
time. Remember, right now is the only moment guaranteed to you. Right now is
life. Don’t miss it.
17. Disconnect from the world for a little
while. – Shut off your electronics, phone, computer and television. So
many of us use technology to distract ourselves and keep our minds busy when we
would be far better served by just sitting still and learning to relax. It’s
not healthy to be plugged in and accessible 24/7.
18. Take a deep breathing break every hour. –
Take a deep breath, and another, and another. It’s like a mini-break to reset
yourself during the day.
19. Move your body. –
Run, jump, climb a tree, take a dancing class, power walk – anything that feels
good that gets your blood moving. The only limitation: it has to be fun. Don’t
get on a treadmill if you hate the treadmill.
20. Stretch. – Take a few
minutes for a good muscle stretch. It gets the blood moving, fires up your
brain and it gives you a few moments to unwind and get grounded before you
start the next task. Plus, it just feels good too.
21. Take a walk without a destination. –
A brisk walk is a great way to get some exercise and clear your mind. Enjoy the
breeze, breathe the fresh air, and be mindful of what you see, hear and
22. At least once a week, do something that’s
only for you. – Remember that hobby that you used to have time for, or
that food that no one else in your house likes? Indulge in it. Reclaim it for
23. Dress up and do something fun. –
Get all dressed up and go out dancing, or to an event. It’s a good way to
inject a little excitement into your routine and let loose.
24. Listen to good music. –
Listen to music that motivates you. Put on your favorite song, turn it up loud
and sing.
25. Do, watch, or listen to something that
makes you laugh. – Laughter is the best medicine. And some of the most
memorable moments in your life will be moments spent in laughter.
26. Buy or pick fresh flowers every now and
then. – Brighten up your place. The aroma and sight of flowers
is comforting.
27. Get more sunshine. –
Go to the beach or park. Bask in the warming rays of the sun.
28. Take a hot bath. –
Add some bubbles. Sink into your tub for a long, luxurious soak at the
end of the day.
end of the day.
29. Get enough sleep. –
Everything is harder when you’re tired. An exhausted mind is rarely happy and
30. Stand tall. – Your spirit can’t
soar when you slouch. You will feel much more powerful and capable when you
stand up straight and look the world in the eye.
31. Declutter your space. –
Purge everything in your life, both physical and mental, that you don’t
honestly need, use or love. The excess distracts you from your true intentions
and bogs you down.
32. Purge bad habits and negative influences. –
Anything that doesn’t nourish or support you – unhealthy foods, cigarettes, a
miserable work environment, toxic people – get these things under control and
do what you have to do to set boundaries and demand the highest quality of
life. You deserve it.
33. Plan ahead. – With a few
minutes of organizing your time and to-do’s, you will be better prepared to
take on the day.
34. Stop procrastinating. –
Start taking action to tie loose ends. Putting something off instantly makes it
harder and scarier.
35. Allow yourself some private time each day. – Even
if it’s only for a half hour, go on a fun excursion by yourself, read a book or
spend time with your pet.
36. Get things off your chest. –
Bottling everything up indefinitely will end badly. Say what you need to say.
Do what you need to do. Also, write in a journal. Write down anything that
calls to you, ideas, experiences, dreams, frustrations – get them out of your
head and down on paper.
37. Be kind. – Be nice to
someone else. Help them. Trust me, it will help you smile, and you will have
made the world a better place.
38. Tell someone you love them. –
We often forget to say it out loud. It matters.
39. Make a new friend. –
People are interesting creatures, and no two people are exactly alike. So meet
someone new today. Find out what makes them tick. They’ll likely open your eyes
to fascinating ideas and perspectives. And you never know, they just might
change your life.
40. Spend quality time with children. –
Children live by their instincts openly and without hesitation. They are
enthusiastic about life, eager to learn, and curious about everything. Watch
how they play, how they live, how they create, how they ask questions, how they
daydream, etc. Play with them and admire their innocence.
41. Cut yourself some slack. –
We sometimes hold ourselves to impossible standards and then beat ourselves up
when we don’t meet them.
42. Take pride in the hard times that you have
overcome. – What didn’t kill you made you stronger. It wasn’t easy,
but you got through it.
43. Keep your words positive. –
Happiness and negativity cannot coexist.
44. Make your home a haven. –
Your home should be a place where you can take a breath and really relax. If it
isn’t, you may have some work to do.
45. Get your finances in order. –
Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you. Always live well
below your means.
46. Volunteer or make a donation. –
Can you offer time, money, your voice or influence? In life, you get what you
put in. Being reminded that the world is bigger than your bubble can inspire
and uplift you. When you make a positive impact in someone else’s life, you
also make a positive impact in your own life. Do something that’s greater than
you, something that helps someone else to be happy or to suffer less. I
promise, it will be an extremely rewarding experience – one you’ll likely
remember forever.
47. Say “yes” to a spontaneous opportunity. –
Everything in life can’t be planned. Some of the greatest opportunities will
knock on your door when you least expect them to. Be flexible, be spontaneous,
and just say “yes.”
and just say “yes.”
48. Forgive someone and reconnect with them. –
Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. If there’s someone in your life who
deserves another chance, give it to them. If you need to apologize, do it. Give
your story together a happy ending.
49. Read something that inspires and motivates
you. – Would I be out of line if I recommended this blog. :)
50. Smile and notice what’s right, right now. –
Everything that happens in life is neither good nor bad. It just depends on
your perspective. And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the
way it should. Either you succeed or you learn something. So stay positive,
appreciate the pleasant outcomes,
and learn from the rest.
and learn from the rest.
And remember, happiness is often found by
enjoying the small things in life all while chasing after the big ones. Take
life one step at a time, breathe, and enjoy the journey.
{Source: Mark and Angel Hack Life Pic: Boden}