[7] a dilemma - a paradox - & a twist!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Many of us who've dieted, or thought about dieting, have probably heard about the "French paradox".
You know, the one where the beautifully clad french woman consumes a fatty rich diet without getting fat. Carol Cottrill, a licensed nutritionist, takes on this french paradox in her book The French Twist. Cottrill explains the hows behind the french secrets, as well as the whys of the secrets' successes, and she does so in a language that most diet-obsessed Americans can understand.
I bought The French Twist a year ago. I quickly devoured it, practiced its secrets, and returned immediately to Amazon to leave a glowing review (as seen below). Then I bought eight more copies to give away to all the beautiful women in my life.
A year later, I find myself rereading The French Twist in its entirety - yes again!
I am hoping for these coveted French secrets to become so fixed in my mind that they becomes second nature, you know, one filled with wine, butter-croissants, and chocolate.

While my life's priorities (concerning food, exercise and nutrition) were anchored smack dab in the middle of shifting tides [with one failed attempt after another at regaining my balance] I just continued to get tossed deeper and deeper into an unsettling abyss. All I could do is hope for someone to throw me a life boat/ jacket/ or a rope, instead, I got a book.
Carol Cottrill's book "The French Twist" was just the rescuer I needed. I was instantaneously plucked from the stomach-churning tides and gently placed down into a beautiful café and was told to enjoy my croissant and cappuccino, and boy-o-boy did I enjoy them. In fact, after a very peaceful and rather tasty week of practicing Carol's "little trucs" my scale decided it was in a good mood too and registered a three pound weight loss.
As an undeniable francophile I know exactly what propelled me to buy this book (have you seen the cover). But I honestly didn't expect the life altering experience that I got when I finally finished reading it. So I would like to humbly say thank you to Carol. Not just for the three pounds, but for the exorcism of the mindless, fruitless and unproductive chatter that used to occupy my mind where food, health and life were concerned. I am now armed with knowledge, desire and passion that will undoubtedly lead to more pleasure and more pounds lost.
bonjour & bon appetit!!